Robert Downey Jr. Drug Addiction and Recovery

Robert Downey Jr. is one the most popular movie stars of our time. His acting career which began in childhood has made him remain popular for more than three decades. However, Downey Jr. has been a victim of drug abuse and this has made him attend several drug rehabilitation programs. Sometimes he ended up in jail. According to, Inc., (2011), Downey Jr. who was born in 1965 was introduced to drugs at an age of eight by his father who was a filmmaker. This was shortly after he appeared in two movies at the age of five and seven. By the time Downey Jr. was attaining the age of twenty two years he had attended his first drug rehab. During the 1980s Downey Jr. started serious acting which saw him win award nominations in 1990. However, during the same period his drug problem was leading him further away from enjoying this success. This is after he was admitted in the hospital due to addiction to cocaine and heroin.

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